Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who should really claim the 80s?

So I've been noticing lately that a lot of people like to claim the 80s, and as a result, they rep anything they perceive to come from the 80s extra hard. I have an issue with that. The fact is, most of the people who want to claim the 80s extra hard are born at the ass end of the decade. I remember the 80s and there truth is, I'm not trying to relive the beginning of the crack epidemic, or Regan making life extra hard for the working class American, or for that matter the gang epidemic that tore apart more families than the Civil War nearly a century before.
What I do like to remember about the 80 was the growth of Hip Hop, the rebirth of the video game industry, and some hilariously cheesy television. Scarface was not something that was a part of my 80s experience, but The Snorks, Mr. T cereal, and Danger Mouse were. Along with G.I. Joe(word to Destro), Mario, Zelda, Charles Barkley with the 76ers, and Conan the Destroyer. Skinny jeans, as far as I remember, were not a part of the 80s I grew up in (at least not on men), and everything wasn't a flourescent color, so you can miss me with that crap.
I'm just saying...I remember where I was the first time I heard the name Manuel Noriega, and it wasn't from the History Channel.

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